Friday, October 17, 2014

tanyaku dalam pikirku.

Malam ini begitu hening.. tak seekor jangkrikpun yang berani bersuara. mungkin karna dinginnya malam ini yang terasa menusuk setiap tulang yang mencoba kokoh, melemahkan setiap kekuatan untuk menghembuskan udara, menggerakkan lidah hingga mengeluarkan suara.
aku masih temenung dikala jam terus berdetik. masih dalam putaran yang sama, masih dalam nada yang tak asing ku dengar "tik...tok...tik...tok..."
pertanyaan itu seakan masih melayang-layang dalam alur otakku. seperti jam, ya... tetap berputar ditempat yang sama meski fajar dan malam telah berlalu bergantian. meski tanggalan hari selalu menuju ke akhir bulan dan kembali pada angka yang serupa, "1"satu.
satu pertanyaan yang tak penah bisa ku jwab, meski telah banyak pelajaran yang kudapat. masih satu pikiran yang tak pernah bisa ku tepis, meski logika telah menganalisis. satu hal yang tak pernah dapat ku tentukan,  meski keadaan memaksaku untuk memutuskan.
aku masih tetap saja tak berkutik, meski tanda tanya itu semakin besar.
inikah hidup, yang katanya begitu rumit? yang ceritanya begitu menyenangkan? yang alurnya begitu membingungkan???
inikah prasangka yang tak pernah diduga??
inikah konflik hidup yang seakan melumpuhkan pikiran, mencederai hati dan mengecoh pergerakan??
masih saja itu menjadi pertanyaan yang tak pernah bisa ku pastikan jawabannya.
masih saja itu menjadi misteri yang tak pernah ku ketahui alasannya.. masih, dan masih...........

Friday, July 4, 2014

The Popular Chocolate in the World

1. M & M'sM & M's are brown taken its name from the name of Forrest Mars and Bruce Murrie of Hershey company. Brown's production pro Mars Inc. is a chocolate mold shaped like shells with M on it. The chocolate now comes with many flavors like milk chocolate, dark chocolate, crisped rice, beans, and other chocolate orange. M & M's were first made in 1941 and has now spread to 100 countries. Every year the brown color change.

2. Hershey's Kiss Hershey Company is an artificial chocolate that has a unique shape like water droplets wrapped by aluminum foil. Since it is the first chocolate the most popular type of chocolate be destroy America in 1989, became the most popular chocolate 5 with sales of more than 400 million dollars. More than 60 million chocolate is produced every day.

3. Snickers chocolate is made ​​in Mars. It consists of chocolate coated caramel nougat nuts then doused with chocolate. The seller of this chocolate is always reaching 2 billion more. in America and Ireland this chocolate called Marathon. Now the name is also used as a Snicker Marathon brand-energy snack.

4. Twizzlers chocolate Twizzle is the most famous in the United States and Canada. At first chocolate was produced by Y & S Candies in 1980, Y & S Candies now become a part or subsidiary of the Hershey Company.

5. Reese's peanut butter cups chocolate pioneer is first coated with peanut butter or peanut butter. Brown was first marketed by Hershey Company after it was discovered by Reese, who is a farmer. He later founded the Reese house was inspired by chocolate entrepreneur Milton Hershey. But his efforts failed despite continued consumption of chocolate people. Finally, Reese sells chocolate at Hershey.

Caution in Consuming Chocolate !

Mistakes are often made when selecting chocolate is to choose chocolate "branded" cheap or very cheap. Thus chocolate contains cocoa (cocoa beans) which is an average of slightly less than 20%, even less than 7%. This type of chocolate also contains high sugar, high saturated fat content and other vices such as hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO), which causes tooth decay and health problems such as diabetes. 

Other chocolate products are also dangerous and bad for health, especially in the form of fondant (normally used to decorate cakes) and praline. Fondant actually contains 100% sweetener and praline equally bad. 

As much as possible choose chocolate with a little sugar content so you can enjoy great benefits owned chocolate. You will benefit if you eat chocolate with a cocoa content or higher cocoa beans. Enjoy your chocolate!

Various Types of Healthy Chocolate

Dark Chocolate 
Dark Chocolate contains cocoa beans (cocoa) the highest of at least 70% containing cocoa. Dark chocolate contains cocoa or chocolate beans ever, without a lot of sugar and no saturated fat or hydrogenated vegetable oil (HVO)

White Chocolate 
While white chocolate contains only cocoa or 33% cocoa content, the rest is sugar, milk and vanilla. The content of this sugar can have negative effects, such as tooth decay and diabetes. 

Milk Chocolate
Milk chocolate is cocoa mix with milk and sugar added. This type of chocolate is also very popular because it tastes delicious.

Chocolate For Health Benefits

Chocolate containing cocoa (cocoa beans) more than 70% also have benefits for health, because chocolate is rich in phenolic antioxidants and flavonoids. With the presence of antioxidants, will be able to capture free radicals in the body. The amount of the antioxidant content is even 3 times more than green tea, drink very often regarded as a source of antioxidants. 
With the presence of antioxidants, making chocolate into a health drink. Phenol, an antioxidant capable of reducing cholesterol in the blood so that it can reduce the risk of heart attack is also useful to prevent cancer in the body, preventing the occurrence of stroke and high blood pressure. In addition to the fat content in chocolate high quality proven cholesterol-free and does not clog arteries. 
Chocolate also contains several vitamins that are useful to the body such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E. In addition, chocolate also contains substances and nutrients that are essential for the body such as iron, potassium and calcium. Cocoa itself is the highest natural source of magnesium. If a person is deficient in magnesium, can lead to hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, joint pain and problems that women monthly pre-menstrual (PMS). By eating chocolate will add magnesium in daily nutrient intake that causes increased levels of progesterone in women. This reduces the negative effects of PMS.

Chocolate is a Symbol of Love

The reason why many people give chocolate to someone dear is because chocolate is often regarded as the food of love. This is because chocolate has a soft texture and will melt slowly in the mouth when dikulum. It gives a sensual impression for people who eat them. Additionally, chocolate can give the effect of a comfortable, relaxed and can increase sexual arousal.
Sense of comfort after enjoying chocolate is not just a feeling, because chocolate contains a substance that enables hundreds of chemical reactions in the brain. Substances that stimulate active serotonin in the brain which in turn will trigger a feeling of comfort. In addition, most substances contained in chocolate is theobromine which can stimulate the nervous system and the heart that makes us awake and excited. This effect can also be obtained from the caffeine in coffee or tea. Other benefits of theobromine is able to relieve cough.
Also contains phenylethylamine which helps the absorption in the brain and produce dopamine, which would lead to a feeling of joy, increase the sense of interest and can lead to feelings of falling in love. That is another reason why chocolate is often given as a gift of love.

The Most Delicious Taste is Chocolate.

What is the most delicious taste in this world? probably everyone would agree if the answer is chocolate!
Chocolate is the name for the processed food or beverages from cocoa beans (Theobroma cacao). Chocolate was first consumed by the inhabitants of ancient Mesoamerica as a beverage, although it is believed that only chocolate can be consumed first by the nobility. 

Chocolate is generally given as a gift or gifts at the feast. With the shape, style, and unique flavors, chocolate is often used as an expression of gratitude, sympathy, or attention even as a declaration of love. Chocolate also has become one of the most popular flavors in the world. In addition to the most commonly consumed in the form of chocolate bars, chocolate is also the subject of hot and cold drinks.