Wednesday, October 30, 2013

fast food, is it safe ????

Fast food is a favorite food. Besides it tastes good, fast food is also easy to made. However, who would have thought fast food was so dangerous ?! 
Fast food is very harmful if consumed continuously. It's because the content of preservatives contained in prepared foods. So, even though fast food is the easiest food is made, you should try to think of the worst effects. It would be better if we choose the food with the process more time consuming, isn't it ?!

About honey and benefits of honey for skin.

Honey is a sweet food made by bees using nectar from flowers. Honey bees transform nectar into honey by a process of regurgitation and evaporation. They store it as a primary food source in wax honeycombs inside the beehive. Than sweet, honey also has benefits for our skin.

One of them, honey can moisturizes the skin. Honey has long been known as a natural ingredient, which when used regularly, can soften the skin in the dry state. You can apply honey to your face and neck area or mix with other natural ingredients to make your skin softer. Moreover, honey can heal wounds on the skin. Wound and infection, can be minimized by eating honey. This is due to the content of honey has anti-microbial. Essence sugars in honey can accelerate the wound healing process. Honey can also be used to clean our face skin, that's because the content of the natural enzymes in the honey. When mixed with water, can make a soft antisepetik fluid to cleanse the skin thoroughly without reducing your natural oil content. And last thing, honey can also treat acne! acne is often a problem for women. To treat acne, you can put honey on the pimples and leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse. Anti bacterial murder efficacious acne and remove acne scars.

And it turns out, there are many more benefits of honey !! Interesting, isn't it ?! so ... Let's turn to the use of honey to get beautiful and healthy skin !

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


holla !! This is the first post since I made a new blog. In this post, I'll introduce myself first.
well... I was born on 22nd june 1993, in Bogor rain city. People said that I was arabian girl, but actually I'm a sundanese people, even though I can't speak sundanese language very well (yeah.. I think that's a bad thing !). my  full name is Raden Putri Nida Hasanah, my family usually call me "Nida", but my friends call me by other names such a Nda or Putri. Putri isn't mean a princess like in a fairytale hahaha yeah.. I think so. but my father told me that Putri is a name that suggests girls (maybe this is part of the Indonesian custom). I live in JL.Tumenggung Wiradiredja or perhaps better known as Cimahpar. a great place name, isn't it? hahaha I don't know, why do so many place names beginning with Ci- in Bogor. I was the second of four children. I have one older brother, one younger brother and one younger sister. I also have a beautiful mother and a good father. they are one of the most beautiful gift in my life.

I love to sing, even though I don't have a melodious voice. maybe that's why I can only be a bathroom singer :(. sometimes I wanna be raisa, hahaha she is beautiful and has a lovely voice, love it !! but... can I change my life ?? oh that's a stupid question. I've been very grateful with all that I have.
I also like to sleep and dreaming. because in my opinion, sometimes the ideals it started with a dream.
dreaming, hoping, trying, doing and achieve it !!

wanna be a young entrepreneurs !
I had a dream of having a restaurant and clothing boutique ! Sounds good, right? I hope it can all be achieved in the near future. aamiin.
hopefully, I can quickly graduated from college and got a bachelor's degree, grabbed my dreams, can give happiness to my parents, and then.... preparing to be a wife and a good mother. I can do it !!