Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Tolerance is respect, and cooperation among social groups that differ both in ethnicity, language, culture, politics, and religion. Therefore, a great and noble concept that fully become an organic part of religious teachings. Tolerances required to be learned by each person so that they can respect others, even the universe. Tolerance is also an attitude that can bring together people of different views and different opinions, so even though there are many differences between people, but they are able to appreciate these differences. That will create peace despite the many differences.

Indonesia is a country with many differences in ethnicity, language, culture, and religions. That's why Indonesia has the motto BHINEKA TUNGGAL IKA, This should be a mix of wonderful diversity. But, at this time, many differences make a misunderstanding and problem. tolerance is rarely shared by many people. As in religion for example, Indonesia has 5 religions which can be embraced by the community. such as Islam, Christian Catholic, Protestant, Hindu and Buddhist. many different religious teachings often cause a lot of conflicts that occur among the people. differences in behavior, habits, and teaching applied.

Therefore, tolerance should be taught to the people starting them young. the teaching should be made a habit so that they not only remember, but also apply in everyday life.

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