Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What is beautiful ?

What is beautiful ? something interesting and have appeal ? something extraordinary ? something that is perfect ? something that looks amazing ? or even something casual but has a lot of pent beauty ????

We never know what the true definition of beauty, because sometimes beauty is not something that can be seen by naked eye. even beauty can not be approved by many people, each person has his own judgment in assessing a beauty. so, what are we might call beautiful??? of course a lot of things that have high artistic value, attractive, beautiful, very stunning, and highly favored. it could be a place, a painting, a design, clothing, settings, state of nature, is also a human being.

beautiful also has two different forms, all hanging from a viewpoint of each person. by naked eye is pretty gorgeous that we can see clearly, with shaped, with the real. whereas beautiful is not visible by naked eye which is not represented as beautiful, inner beauty.

so many people have beautiful definition, each one has a difference in opinion. Therefore, it is pretty invaluable.
so, what do you think the meaning of beauty???

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