Thursday, May 1, 2014

Under the Water and Above the Water Beauty

Most foreign tourists only know Bali as a part of the famous and popular destinations in Indonesia. However, do you know that there is way more beautiful place in Indonesia? It is Wakatobi, an island that serves you authentic natural beauty of Indonesia’s nature. The name of Wakatobi is derived from the islands of Wangi-Wangi (local people called it Wanci), Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko that exist there. To reach Wakatobi, you may choose between air or water transportation (it’s just 2 hours from Bali island), but the best option should be using a boat, where you can enjoy or relax yourself while sightseeing, while the boat is passing through the sea.


Wakatobi begins to gain its status as a premium vacation spot now, since it offers various holiday options, including diving, sightseeing, canoeing, exploring the exotica of the island, and many more. Wakatobi is also the name of national park, which becomes the home of coral reef, marine biodiversities along 600 km of the island’s territory. From the 850 known coral species in the world, 750 of them are in the Wakatobi.

Can you imagine how beautiful this island, then? These diversities become one of the major attractions for both domestic and foreign tourists to spend their quality time in this island. Frankly speaking, Wakatobi is actually located in s remote area with lack of infrastructure; but that is the interesting part. With fewer people and building operations around you, you will get the most private and exclusive time during your vacation in this area.

Adventurous Spots in Wakatobi
Wakatobi Diving
If you love outdoor activities, you can rent a boat that offers you sailing comfort and enables you to dive into the beautiful sea, snorkel or swim. This way, you can enjoy Indonesia’s paradise under water.

Wakatobi Diving

Cultural attractions
This island also provides cultural tourism spots that become special attractions for the tourists. There is old Dirkaton Lia mosque located in Wangsel sub district, Kraton Bente mosque in Kaledupa sub district as the Islam missionary historical heritage sites. Enjoying yourself under the sun deck; seeing the sunset is relaxing, while talking about your days with the loved one.

Above-the-water attractions
Another interesting place to spend your above-the-water vacation in Wakatobi is visiting a genuine sea gypsy village. Here, you can spend your hours exploring the lifestyle of the local forger, producing fine local weapon such as ‘Keris’, or learning how the traditional industry produces Sarong. Although it is not an extremely adventurous experience, you can check out the culture and customs of the local people, and interact with them. Of course, this is rather entertaining.


Visiting Wakatobi would be the best thing to do around March until December. During the summer months is the best time to dive or spot pilot whales. The weather is not very cold, yet you will still be able to feel a refreshing shower during the first and last months of the season. What is vacation without tasting fine local cuisine? In Wakatobi, you can enjoy traditional foods such as Kasoami, Kambalu, Kauolo, and many more.

make practical and easy breakfast! - An egg sandwich

2 slices bread
butter, unsalted
egg mayonnaise
mustard cress
To make the egg mayonnaise, mix 3 chopped boiled eggs with around a tablespoon of mayonnaise and some salt and pepper.

Spread the butter on both slices of bread. Spread the egg mayonnaise on one slice of bread, spreadly it out evenly with a fork. Sprinkle the mustard cress on top of the egg mayonnaise, place the other slice of bread on top and slice from corner to corner.

Lettuce, tomato and cucumber would also work well in this sandwich.

good luck !

yuhu.... this time for Avocado milkshake !! try it at home !

Avocado is an evergreen fruit tree of the flowering plant family Lauraceae. Avocado is low in cholesterol and sodium. Also it is a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin c, vitamin k and folate.

Avocado acts as a nutrient booster by enabling the body to absorb more vitamins such as carotenes and lutein. Below is the delicious avocado milkshake recipe.
Avocado milkshake recipe
Milk - 1 cup 2%
Sugar - 2 tablespoons
Avocado - 1 peeled, cut into small pieces
Ice - 1 cup
How to make avocado milkshake recipe:
1. Mix avocado, milk, sugar and ice in a blender until smooth and creamy.
2. If you want the milkshake thicker, add little more milk and ice.
3. Mint colored avocado milkshake is ready to drink.
Try these healthy and fresh avocado on sandwiches, spreads, dip and toast in place of other foods to reduce your intake of cholesterol, calories, sodium and saturated fat.
Calories in avocado per ounce:
One ounce of avocado has just 50 calories and 4.5 grams of fat.
Reasons to eat avocado:
1. Avocado is a good source of monounsaturated fat and omega-3 fatty acids. Monounsaturated fat is a fatty acid that helps lower bad cholesterol and boosts HDL (good) cholesterol. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids that may help prevent heart disease.
2. It is a good source of antioxidants including vitamin E.
3. Avocado is also source of fiber, Vitamin K and folate.
4. Also it is a source of many essential minerals including potassium, magnesium, iron, thiamin, niacin,  and manganese

How to wear hijup with headband

Are you looking for some awesome and unique ways to wear your hijab with headband? well, I have brought for you all one of the latest summer trends on how to wear your headband on top of the Hijab.
Headbands are a beautiful accessory that will add beauty and style to your Hijab; although it is a beautiful trend, I consider it to be more suitable for young girls. I am not putting an age appropriate number because it all depends on personal style but that’s my personal opinion on headbands.

Anyway, this gorgeous tutorial shows you step by step how to wear the Hijab, where to place the headband -and the final result. A good thing to consider when wearing this style is the size of the headband. It is better when the headband is not over-sized or eye-catching, the point is to decorate the simple Hijab with something flattering and youthful looking and not to overdo it; because there is only a fine line between looking cute and ‘out of style’.

My Love

my love
thy hair is one kingdom
the king whereof is darkness
thy forehead is a flight of flowers
thy head is a quick forest
filled with sleeping birds
thy breasts are swarms of white bees
upon the bough of thy body
thy body to me is April
in those armpits is the approach of spring
thy thighs are white horses yoked to a chariot
of kings
they are the striking of a good minstrel
between them is always a pleasant song
my love
thy head is a casket
of the cool jewel of thy mind
the hair of thy head is one warrior
innocent of defeat
thy hair upon thy shoulders is an army
with victory and with trumpets
thy legs are the trees of dreaming
whose fruit is the very image of forgetfulness
thy lips are satraps in scarlet
in whose kiss is the combining of kings
thy wrists
are holy
which are the keepers of the keys of thy blood
thy feet upon thy ankles are flowers in vases
of silver
in thy beauty is the dilemma of flutes
thy eyes are the betrayal
of bells comprehended through incense.

the best actor Indonesia 2013 - reza rahadian

Reza start early career in the entertainment world by becoming a model. Previously, Reza champion won Favorite Top Guest Aneka Yess magazine! year 2004. Reza increasingly uphill career of playing in the big screen movie Horror Movie. Female collared turban through the film, she won a Citra 2009 for Best Male Supporting Actor category. The following year, he also won an image for the category Best Male Main character through the film 3 hati dua dunia, satu cinta.  In 2013, Reza won the Gold Cup IMA Screen for Favorite Male category Main Cast filmed Habibie & Ainun.

her character every movie is different. unbelievable is when he played the Habibie character, Habibie & Ainun film. how can Rreza Rahadian are not similar at all to habibi can make the audience believe that it is the young Habibie?! he can play it well, even he can enchant the audience through his character. quite remarkable! other than that, he is also a multi talented actor. he can sing, and become a producer! don't be surprised when he was named the favorite actor.
okaaay, GOOD JOB bang reza ! may continue to work and provide the best for the role of art lovers in Indonesia. I hope you can continue to work and provide the best for the role of art lovers in Indonesia.

Overcoming Nervousness ! How to Deal with Being Nervous ??

When you are feeling nervous it might be impossible to be at your best. Often, feelings of social anxiety, fear of public speaking or shyness may contribute to nervous feelings. It is possible to overcome nervousness to some degree so that you might look and feel more confident in any situation. Here are some tips:

1. Practice in the mirror. If you have to give a speech, go on a date or attend a party, practice scenarios in the mirror. Make up imaginary scripts and situations and actually perform them. You might even audiotape or videotape yourself to better visualize yourself performing well in a public setting.

2. Practice what you are going to say and become knowledgeable about subjects that might arise in social situations. If you are going to a party for instance, try to know what is happening in the news, entertainment or new technological advances in order to be able to have a successful conversation. Even knowing a little about these subjects will help you to appear somewhat knowledgeable. If you are giving a speech, be sure to know your topic well. If you get forget what you had planned, you can always speak from what you know to fill in the gaps.

3. Learn deep breathing relaxation techniques, yoga and meditation. All of these activities will help you deal with feelings of nervousness by helping you to psychologically and physiologically calm the body when you experience feelings of nervousness or anxiety. Take three or four deep breaths when you are in a situation where you feel nervous to calm the body and provide oxygen to the brain. This will help you to think more clearly and slow your heartbeat to a more normal level.

4. Use visualization. Whether you are meditating or just closing your eyes for a few minutes, visualize the situation in which you become nervous and see yourself as successfully navigating that situation. For instance if you become shy in social situations, see yourself as being outgoing and talkative. This enables you to better cope in real life.

5. Force yourself to do the things that make you nervous. If you become anxious when you go out, try to socialize more often. If public speaking is a trigger for your anxiety, get up and speak in public. The more accustomed you become to situations that cause you fear, the more easy they will become. Be sure to practice the situations using the above techniques before actually performing the activities to encourage positive experiences.

6. Put things in perspective. Understand that whatever the situation is that is making you nervous is likely not going to alter your life in any real way if you are not successful. For instance, if you fear getting up in front of people and making a speech, and you slip up and forget the words, it is not the end of the world. It will likely be embarrassing, but can also be a learning experience. Imagine the worst case scenario. Plan for what you will do if things do not go as planned. Come up with some jokes and see yourself having to improvise in a situation.

7. Become an actor. Sometimes acting as if you are confident is helpful. If you act like you are not shy it will help you to become less inhibited. Try to imitate someone that you feel is confident and attempt to take on that individuals characteristics. Sometimes being shy is the fear of not being accepted for who you are. If you can act as someone else, that fear may dissipate to some degree.

8. Smile and ask questions when you feel you cannot come up with any conversation. People love to talk about themselves. Know basic questions that will break the ice such as "what kind of work do you do," "do you have any children," "where are you from," "what school do/did you attend," "have you seen any good movies lately," "what sort of music do you like," etc. Plan these questions ahead of time so you do not get stuck in conversation.

9. Try Kava Kava, valerian root and chamomile tea to calm your nerves. These herbs have a physiologically calming effect. Lemon balm can also be used in a tea form to calm the nerves. Try wearing a lavender scent to calm your nerves.

10. Appear confident and never let people know you are nervous. This will make you feel more confident as well. Remember, most people suffer from nervousness in unknown situations. The key is to appear as if you are comfortable. This makes everyone around you feel less anxious as well and will lighten most situations.

People with a Bear

Masha and the Bear (Russian: Маша и Медведь) is a Russian animated series produced by Animaccord Studios. This animated series tells the adventures of a little girl named Masha and a bear who is his friends. The series was created by Andrei Dobrunov, Oleg Kuzovkov and Dmitry Loveiko.

The series first aired on the Rossiya 1 ("Russia 1" at the time) on January 7, 2009.

Masha Masha is the only human character in the series , speak human language , and voiced by Alina Kukushkin .

*Like lollipops , often visited his friend , Bear , playing with appreciation , playing ball , jumping up and down with a bucket , watching cartoons , ask some questions , and tell the story .
*Can do the dance " moonwalk " - using something that is put on the head ( usually glass jars ) .
*Not good at cooking foods such as porridge and dumplings , but it can make jam .
*Can play hockey , magic , and chess .
*Can use equipment builders and playing electric guitar .

Bear ( Misha ) was once a great circus performer , has many awards , diplomas and trophies . He always kept everything to keep them clean and shiny . When retiring from the circus , he chose to settle in a forest with a house he built . She love peace , quiet , and has a hobby of fishing , it also has some own agriculture , such as honeycomb , flower gardens , and vegetable gardens . Can play guitar and piano , as well as motorcycle riding and skiing .

Misha could not speak human language , but he understands and can communicate with Masha . Voiced by Boris Kutnevich .

sundanese food recipe - sayur asem

What you want to cook today? Indonesian food recipes this time will share with you recipes is very original and has a cooking menu daily Indonesian family. His name is quite simple "Vegetable Asem" yups. The menu is traditional menu recipe has been around since the days of Javanese royal power and continue to exist until now. These foods can be called by the people because the food dish is simple but very delicious. lets we look at the ingredients and how to make it.


• 1 piece of squash, peeled, cut into
• 2 pieces of sweet corn, cut into pieces
• 1 handful of leaves and fruit melinjo
• 50 gr peanuts, wash clean, in order for the liquid does not boil brown
• 6 pieces string beans, cut into pieces
• 10 pieces of cabbage, cut into pieces
• 2 bay leaves lbr
• 2 cm galangal, crushed
• 3 tbsp sour fruit / to taste
• 1 tsp sugar
• 1 ½ liters of water
• Salt to taste


• 5 pieces of red chilli
• 6 spring onions
• 3 cloves of garlic
• 4 items hazelnut
• 1 tsp shrimp paste cooked / to taste

How to Make:

1. Boil water along with spices, bay leaves, galangal and tamarind fruit. after input boiling corn, fruit melinjo. Stir and let over medium heat until tender.
2. Take a fruit acid that is soft and puree, strain and take the water and acidic water input return
3. Enter the long beans, squash, peanuts are boiled and salt.
4. Vegetables are almost cooked, put the cabbage, leaf melinjo, sugar and cook until boiling. Fire in turn.
5. Remove and serve.

To complement, you may add chili paste, fish fries, or onion on top. Good luck and enjoy this simple dish deliciousness.

zluuuuurrrppssss..... mmmmmmm..... delicious !

Sausage rolls noodles

  • 2 packs of instant noodles (I usually use indomie, hehe.. but it's up to you)
  • beef sausages (I usually use sozzis from japfa)
  • cooking oil 

  1. Boil the noodles for 2 minutes because we don't want the noodles become overcooked and difficult to roll it with sausages. and then drain the noodles.
  2. Mix the seasoning powder with the noodles, (just use the seasoning powder) and mix well.
  3. Open the sausage cover and cut into two pieces
  4. Put some noodles and roll it over the sausages
  5. Fry the sausage roll noodles until you get crispy noodle. serve it... ^_^

Nusantara Flower Park, One thousand of flowers.

Nusantara Flower Park neighborhood, located between the area of ​​Mount Gede Pangrango and Tourism Park Gunung Mas Puncak Tea Plantation Bogor. More precisely located in Jalan Mariawati, Luwuk Kawung village, Bogor Cipanas or less when taken approximately 7 kilometers from the peak. Apart from the town of Bogor, access to tourist sites can also be pursued through the city. When the traffic situation in the state is not too dense, Nusantara Flower Garden can be achieved with less time than about 2 to 2.5 hours drive.

Taman Bunga Nusantara, is a former district recreation center was inaugurated by Mrs. Tien Soeharto in 1995 ago. The region, as well has been determined to be a tourist area, which also functioned as an area to cultivate various types of flowering plants as well as various other types of ornamental plants. One of them, which are more or less about 2000 types of orchids collection, can be found in the area built in the area with an area of ​​approximately 35 acres around it.

The flower garden belonging to the archipelago so special, the article various types of collections of ornamental plants can be found in a building with an area of ​​approximately 2,200 square meters, and is equipped with approximately 3,000 panels made of transparent glass that. In addition, we also can visit an artificial lake called Swan Lake, to witness the charm and beauty of the various types of Lotus plants. Well, interesting is not it?

Bogor Botanical Garden

Bogor Botanical Garden was established on May 18, 1817 by prof . Dr. . CGC Reindwart , the German botanist . This garden was originally named s'Lands Plantentuin te Buitenzorg , which became the center of the introduction of a wide range of economically important agricultural crops .
Oil palm ( Elaeis guinensis ) is one of the agricultural commodities is being introduced from West Africa to Indonesia in Bogor Botanical Gardens which eventually became the parent palm sawitse - East Asia. plant

Bogor Botanical Gardens is located in the heart of the city of Bogor , West Java , about 60 kilometers southeast of Jakarta , the capital of the Republic of Indonesia at Jalan Ir . H. Juanda No. . 13 Bogor , West Java .

Bogor Botanical Gardens has some interesting collection of public interest , such as the Flower Titan Arum ( Amorphophallus titanum Becc . ) . Flowers with the largest inflorescence can reach 3 meters . At the time of bloom , he smelled of carrion that invites insects to aid pollination .
Approximately 10,000 specimens of orchid collection displayed at the Bogor Botanical Gardens orchid house fogging system equipped with a moisture regulator . Furthermore , there is a palm tree ( Arecaceae ) , medicinal plants , fruits, rare , meranti ( Dipterocarpaceae ) and pitcher ( Nephentaceae ) .
Other unique collections , such as the king of trees ( Koompassia excelsa ) , a giant lotus ( Victoria amazonica ) and old trees such as lychee , kapok and teak , which complements the existing diversity of the collection .

As a botanical garden that has a wet lowland habitat type , the Garden is located at an altitude of 260 m above sea level , the air humidity 80-90 % and rainfall 3000-4300 mm / year .

With an area of ​​about 87 acres , the Garden has a collection of 13,697 plant specimens , which are grouped into 3,441 species, 1,265 genera and 220 families .

In addition to the collection of tropical plants , the Garden also has several historic buildings and places of interest to visit . Once inside the main gate of the Garden , looking row of walnut trees ( Canarium vulgare ) on the left and right of the road . Trees were planted in 1831 , 1834 and 1835 , from Sulawesi and Maluku raises its own impression . Then Teysmann Garden , a formal garden style that was built in 1889 as a tribute to Johannes Teysmann , one of the curators Bogor Botanical Gardens are a lot of work in the field of landscaping . There are many other places of interest , namely the Valley Park Sudjana Kasan , Astrid Way , Cactus Garden , also JJ Smith Monument , Hanging Bridge , Tree Bats , Dutch Cemetery and Monument Lady Raffles is a rarely pass up.

rainbow ? how do rainbows form ?

Rainbows happen when sunlight and rain combine in a very specific way.  The beams of sunlight separate into the colors we see in the rainbow as they enter a raindrop.  Sunlight is actually made up of different colors that we don't usually see.  When a beam of sunlight comes down to Earth, the light is white.  But, if the light beam happens to hit raindrops on the way down at a certain angle, the different colors that make up the beam separate so that we can see them -- in the form of a rainbow.

The angle for each color of a rainbow is different, because the colors slow down at different speeds when they enter the raindrop. The light exits the raindrop in one color, depending on the angle it came in, so we see only one color coming from each raindrop. Light at different angles coming through many raindrops form the rainbow that we see, in stripes of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

How does the caterpillar turn into butterfly ????

this is step by step how does the caterpillar turn into butterfly:

1. a butterfly lays eggs on a leaf 
2. the eggs hatch 
3. out comes little larvae 
4. the larvae eat and eat and eat 
5. the larvae gets a little bigger and is then called a caterpillar 
6. the caterpillar eats and eats and eats some more 
7. the caterpillar makes a pupa-- or chrysalis 
8. the caterpillar stays in there for about 2-3 weeks 
9. after that time, the adult starts to emerge (or come out of) the chrysalis 
10. since their wings are wet and weak, they have to wait a couple of hours before flying. 
11. the wings are strong enough to fly and the butterfly flitters away! 
12. then, the cycle starts all over again when the butterfly finds a mate. :) hope this helped! :)