Thursday, May 1, 2014

yaAllah.... I want to go to Hajj !!

These days , I see the old albums stacked in the living room . I tidy it up and re-open the memory recorded by the camera shots .
there are many pictures of life when I was little.
one album is still lying there, I picked it up and opened the cover of the album, it turns out it was the album when my parents go to Hajj .

while looking at the stored memories, my mother recounted her experiences in the hajj, she also revealed that there was very beautiful and she thought it was a valuable experience in her life, Subhanallah....

after hearing his story, and given the struggle of the Prophet Muhammad in earlier times, I think I would like a pilgrimage. Go to Mecca and Medina to pray with humility, as well as enhance my pillar of Islam.
ya Allah... give me the opportunity to be able to go to Hajj and closer to you.
I hope I can go to Hajj, and I would say "Someday, I will go there, InshaAllah"-aamiin...

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