Masha and the Bear (Russian: Маша и Медведь) is a Russian animated series produced by Animaccord Studios. This animated series tells the adventures of a little girl named Masha and a bear who is his friends. The series was created by Andrei Dobrunov, Oleg Kuzovkov and Dmitry Loveiko.
The series first aired on the Rossiya 1 ("Russia 1" at the time) on January 7, 2009.
Masha is the only human character in the series , speak human language , and voiced by Alina Kukushkin .
*Like lollipops , often visited his friend , Bear , playing with appreciation , playing ball , jumping up and down with a bucket , watching cartoons , ask some questions , and tell the story .
*Can do the dance " moonwalk " - using something that is put on the head ( usually glass jars ) .
*Not good at cooking foods such as porridge and dumplings , but it can make jam .
*Can play hockey , magic , and chess .
*Can use equipment builders and playing electric guitar .
Bear ( Misha ) was once a great circus performer , has many awards , diplomas and trophies . He always kept everything to keep them clean and shiny . When retiring from the circus , he chose to settle in a forest with a house he built . She love peace , quiet , and has a hobby of fishing , it also has some own agriculture , such as honeycomb , flower gardens , and vegetable gardens . Can play guitar and piano , as well as motorcycle riding and skiing .
Misha could not speak human language , but he understands and can communicate with Masha . Voiced by Boris Kutnevich .
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