Thursday, May 1, 2014

Treasure Hunting - Story Telling

One day, I went to the beach with my family. When we got to the beach, I immediately play sands with my sister. and then... my sister shouted "wow !! see this !", she showed a piece of outdated paper which she found. "Oh my God !!!" I said, my sister was already found the treasure map ! I took it and opened the treasure map. My sister said to me to look at that treasure map, and she invited me to play with the treasure map, I thought it was an interesting idea !

My sister and I played with the treasure map. we started on the corner beach. We have to be able to take five step straight "One... Two... Three... Four... Five..." and then we turned left and we found a new clue, "here's a new clue !!" my sister said. we followed the clue, first, we should go through five coconut trees, and then we found a new clue again ! this clue told that we must walked right away.

This clue led us  to a chest. but when we found it, the chest was unlocked !! someone might have found it first and we were so disappointed to find that. but, our treasure hunting experience was fun. we hope we could get another treasure map next time we go to the beach and hopefully one that hasn't been found by others.

-the end-

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