Thursday, May 1, 2014

Bogor Botanical Garden

Bogor Botanical Garden was established on May 18, 1817 by prof . Dr. . CGC Reindwart , the German botanist . This garden was originally named s'Lands Plantentuin te Buitenzorg , which became the center of the introduction of a wide range of economically important agricultural crops .
Oil palm ( Elaeis guinensis ) is one of the agricultural commodities is being introduced from West Africa to Indonesia in Bogor Botanical Gardens which eventually became the parent palm sawitse - East Asia. plant

Bogor Botanical Gardens is located in the heart of the city of Bogor , West Java , about 60 kilometers southeast of Jakarta , the capital of the Republic of Indonesia at Jalan Ir . H. Juanda No. . 13 Bogor , West Java .

Bogor Botanical Gardens has some interesting collection of public interest , such as the Flower Titan Arum ( Amorphophallus titanum Becc . ) . Flowers with the largest inflorescence can reach 3 meters . At the time of bloom , he smelled of carrion that invites insects to aid pollination .
Approximately 10,000 specimens of orchid collection displayed at the Bogor Botanical Gardens orchid house fogging system equipped with a moisture regulator . Furthermore , there is a palm tree ( Arecaceae ) , medicinal plants , fruits, rare , meranti ( Dipterocarpaceae ) and pitcher ( Nephentaceae ) .
Other unique collections , such as the king of trees ( Koompassia excelsa ) , a giant lotus ( Victoria amazonica ) and old trees such as lychee , kapok and teak , which complements the existing diversity of the collection .

As a botanical garden that has a wet lowland habitat type , the Garden is located at an altitude of 260 m above sea level , the air humidity 80-90 % and rainfall 3000-4300 mm / year .

With an area of ​​about 87 acres , the Garden has a collection of 13,697 plant specimens , which are grouped into 3,441 species, 1,265 genera and 220 families .

In addition to the collection of tropical plants , the Garden also has several historic buildings and places of interest to visit . Once inside the main gate of the Garden , looking row of walnut trees ( Canarium vulgare ) on the left and right of the road . Trees were planted in 1831 , 1834 and 1835 , from Sulawesi and Maluku raises its own impression . Then Teysmann Garden , a formal garden style that was built in 1889 as a tribute to Johannes Teysmann , one of the curators Bogor Botanical Gardens are a lot of work in the field of landscaping . There are many other places of interest , namely the Valley Park Sudjana Kasan , Astrid Way , Cactus Garden , also JJ Smith Monument , Hanging Bridge , Tree Bats , Dutch Cemetery and Monument Lady Raffles is a rarely pass up.

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