Thursday, May 1, 2014

How does the caterpillar turn into butterfly ????

this is step by step how does the caterpillar turn into butterfly:

1. a butterfly lays eggs on a leaf 
2. the eggs hatch 
3. out comes little larvae 
4. the larvae eat and eat and eat 
5. the larvae gets a little bigger and is then called a caterpillar 
6. the caterpillar eats and eats and eats some more 
7. the caterpillar makes a pupa-- or chrysalis 
8. the caterpillar stays in there for about 2-3 weeks 
9. after that time, the adult starts to emerge (or come out of) the chrysalis 
10. since their wings are wet and weak, they have to wait a couple of hours before flying. 
11. the wings are strong enough to fly and the butterfly flitters away! 
12. then, the cycle starts all over again when the butterfly finds a mate. :) hope this helped! :)

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