Thursday, May 1, 2014

How to wear hijup with headband

Are you looking for some awesome and unique ways to wear your hijab with headband? well, I have brought for you all one of the latest summer trends on how to wear your headband on top of the Hijab.
Headbands are a beautiful accessory that will add beauty and style to your Hijab; although it is a beautiful trend, I consider it to be more suitable for young girls. I am not putting an age appropriate number because it all depends on personal style but that’s my personal opinion on headbands.

Anyway, this gorgeous tutorial shows you step by step how to wear the Hijab, where to place the headband -and the final result. A good thing to consider when wearing this style is the size of the headband. It is better when the headband is not over-sized or eye-catching, the point is to decorate the simple Hijab with something flattering and youthful looking and not to overdo it; because there is only a fine line between looking cute and ‘out of style’.

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