Thursday, May 1, 2014

Sausage rolls noodles

  • 2 packs of instant noodles (I usually use indomie, hehe.. but it's up to you)
  • beef sausages (I usually use sozzis from japfa)
  • cooking oil 

  1. Boil the noodles for 2 minutes because we don't want the noodles become overcooked and difficult to roll it with sausages. and then drain the noodles.
  2. Mix the seasoning powder with the noodles, (just use the seasoning powder) and mix well.
  3. Open the sausage cover and cut into two pieces
  4. Put some noodles and roll it over the sausages
  5. Fry the sausage roll noodles until you get crispy noodle. serve it... ^_^

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