Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Congklak is My Favorite Traditional Games

Congklak is a familiar type of game that we know. A game that is usually played by children after school and at a time when playing. But today, the game is no longer played by children. The era of globalization is advancing to make the kids choose to play online games, billiards even some of those who would rather clustered in places of vice.
Congklak first entry into Indonesia brought by immigrants from the Arab average came to Indonesia for trade or preaching. Some researchers believe that the first time this game comes from the middle east and spread to Africa. In 1640 congklak go to Asia via the African slave trade.
 The number of holes on a 16 congklak is divided into 7 small hole and 2 hole score, each hole filled with 1 seed. Total score is determined from the number of seeds contained in the hole scores. Usually congklak boards made of wood and plastic, while the seeds are made of shells, seeds, stones, marbles or plastic.
Congklak has many names. There cavalier (Sumatra), dakon, dhakon, dhakonan (Java), slow thump (Lampung), Mancala (Arabic) and many more.
Congklak game also has a wonderful philosophy of cultural values of the nation indonesia.biji are collected kelubang small holes that contain large or philosophy of that rice yields and farmers then harvest the results are collected in rice.
Some community activists concerned about the culture, and the students had made some show about Indonesian culture, but sometimes his back like one of these games.
Toys and toy stores itinerant traders have rarely encountered this game, some of them argued that there was no interest for this game. The majority of the children buy modern toys such as robots, Tamiya, beyblade and some other types of electronic games that are loved by children today.
Some elementary and kindergarten teach this game as a tool to learn how to count while learning and the other reason is to preserve the game. Culture that has long been lost in the daily lives of children.
Culture plays congklak should we consider and preserved. Since there is a bit of our culture that is recognized by other countries as their culture. Because maybe we will not turn back the clock to create a new history.

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