Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Indonesian Sports

Among the many sports in Indonesia, do you know what kind of original sports 'belong' to Indonesia? The following is one of the sport from Indonesia that is still known to this day.

Pencak Silat
Pencak Silat is part of the culture of Indonesian society that has developed since time immemorial. Martial arts roots in Malay culture and has been widely known in various countries such as Malaysia, Brunei, and Singapore. Martial arts in Indonesia is not only one kind only. Many versions of the sport of martial arts that developed in accordance with the cultural values ​​of the local community. For example, martial arts Cimande flow which supposedly originated from the story of a woman who witnessed a fight between a tiger with a monkey, then mimic the movements of the two animals. There is also a martial arts or Silek derived from the realm of Minang, which was created by Datuk Suri Pariangan Kings of the Plains XI century. Parent martial arts organization in Indonesia is Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (IPSI). There is also an organization that embodies the martial arts federations of several countries named Guild Pencak Silat Between Nations (PERSILAT) formed by Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam.

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