Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Did You Know Badminton Racket Facts ?


Racket with technology owned often an important factor badminton athletes. The technology is growing significantly, from previously using wood materials racket known until now been using aluminum or titanium, with the consideration that lighter aluminum to maximize stroke technique. 
Initially, in the Middle Ages, in England known a game which uses a shuttlecock with beater paddle or stick which was then called battledores. Paddle or stick is used to memulul shuttlecock and keep it in the air and prevent it touching the ground. 

The development hitter later known as the racket is fairly rapid, initially traditionally made ​​of wood racket. The next election material is aluminum or other light metals. Now almost all professional badminton racket is composed of carbon fiber composite (graphite reinforced plastic). Carbon fiber has great strength to weight ratio, stiffness and gives a great kinetic energy transfer. However sejumlahmodel lowly aka not famous brands, still use steel or aluminum for part or all of the racket. 

Components that can not be separated from the racquet are strings. Strings to be one of the most attention in badminton. Different types of strings and have and thinking about a different characteristic of the reflection effect anyway really. The durability of the strings in general also vary depending on the intensity of usage. Most strings have a thickness of 21 size and strung with a tension of 18 to 30 + lb. This racket strings election depends on the capacity of the player. Surely it would be different between the amateur players who are already professionals. 

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